
Letter to SoCal AAPI community warning of spiritual abuse

“Over the past couple months, multiple individuals who are physically proximate to DPA have shared with me that Alan has made a concerted effort to “target” the AAPI community, and some have indicated that up to 35-40% of the congregation is comprised of AAPI brothers and sisters. As a Korean-American son of immigrants, I was deeply disturbed in my spirit when I heard this. We love people of all races and ethnicities equally, but it is also my belief that AAPI folk are particularly susceptible to abusive spiritual leadership given our culture’s high view of authority, specifically spiritual authority.” (quote from letter by John Kim to the SoCal AAPI community)

As I’ve shared about Alan Scott and things that have happened at Dwelling Place Anaheim, the church that has replaced the Anaheim Vineyard, I have tried to present facts with as little opinion as I can manage, but I found this letter of warning from John Kim so troubling, I struggled with whether or not to share it because I feel it has the potential to cause a lot of pain. However, I feel there is a risk of even more pain if these things remain in the dark, so I decided to go ahead and post it for those who could be affected.